
Who are we:

A client driven financial services enterprise, founded upon the principles of:

  • Creative Thinking and Planning

  • Customized Product Solutions....designed to meet personalized objectives and needs, and

  • Precise and Targeted Action Plans.....formulated to get you where you want to go.....with the ongoing guidance and support of the truly Independent Professional Advisor.

Recent Articles

Asset Building Strategies

In the last article Sue had a capital shortfall of $400,000 in order to support her desired retirement lifestyle. This amount will vary for each individual and will be larger or smaller depending upon your income, age and ability to save money as a percentage of your earned income.

How to Pay Less Tax With Life Insurance

Ray had thought of his life insurance purely as a protection plan. The anti-avoidance rules and general restriction of tax benefits applicable to most shelters prompted him to take a new look at his life insurance for tax deferral as well.

Leaving Money to Charity? There is a Better Way

Recently, a client wanted to leave all of their money to two charities through their Will. They wanted to leave a legacy to a couple of charities that were close to them and they didn't have any close family members.

Here is her situation: Age 80, $550,000 in savings (75% non-registered and TFSA), with income of $70,000 annually from pensions and RIFS while living in an upscale retirement residence. She was also spending an additional $20,000 a year from savings to support her lifestyle.
