
Who are we:

A client driven financial services enterprise, founded upon the principles of:

  • Creative Thinking and Planning

  • Customized Product Solutions....designed to meet personalized objectives and needs, and

  • Precise and Targeted Action Plans.....formulated to get you where you want to go.....with the ongoing guidance and support of the truly Independent Professional Advisor.

Recent Articles

De-Dollarization and You - Part 2

The US has been Canada’s largest trading partner for decades, so our economy is closely tied to the fortunes of our southern neighbour. In addition, because the US economy is still currently the largest in the world, whenever an investor implements or revises a financial strategy, it is always important to consider how US Government policies affect the Canadian economy in positive and negative ways.

Avoid Financial Failure: Set Goals

Recent studies have shown that as many as 60% of Canadians will not have saved enough money in order to adequately provide for their retirement.1 The problem for most people is not that they plan to fail, they simply failed to plan, adequately. And, while many may have been conscientiously saving towards retirement, somewhere along the line they lost sight of their target. Either the target never existed or it was never very clear in their sights. Without a target, they can't possibly know where or how high to aim.

De-Dollarization and You - Part 1

There are many different types of global economic risks that financial advisors take into account when preparing a financial action plan for their clients. This is where advice and judgment come into play when working with you as a client. One area that is gaining increasing prominence is the role of the United States and its dollar in international affairs.
